Tides at a glance
TideSpy web tools - TideFrame sign-up

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About TideFrames and the Tidespy API

A TideSpy TideFrame is a customizable tide graph that you can add to your own web page. Note that this graph is quite large and only suitable for 7" and larger screens.

Tidespy also has a Raw Data API for obtaining tide data and related information. To subscribe to the Raw Data API, please complete the form on this page (and ignore everything about TideFrames).

We've made it very easy to add a TideFrame to your page - just get signed-up by filling in the form below, include a couple of lines of HTML anywhere on your web page and you're done.

The TideFrame is loaded into your page inside an iframe, and requires the visitor's browser to have JavaScript enabled. It works with all web servers, all scripting languages, all popular browsers - and probably some unpopular ones too.

We've put an example at the bottom of this page so you can see how it might look.

The frame needs to be at least 680 pixels high and 500 wide. Any smaller than this and things start to get chopped off. Some aspects of the design - such as colors and fonts - are configurable through a custom CSS file, you may use your own background images, and of course choose a list of places for which a tide chart is available to the visitor.

An unobtrusive text-only Google Ads panel is displayed at the bottom of the frame, which may be removed by paying a small monthly fee. The panel will display only static ads, and not images or moving ads; we hate those things and won't saddle anyone else with them either.

To get started, read the terms and conditions, fill in a few details below, type a short answer to prove to our server that you're a real person, and you'll soon be seeing a tide chart on your website.

A user name for signing-in to this site:
A password between 4 and 40 characters:
Type the password again:
Body part used for seeing?
(Please type the English word)
I agree to the terms and conditions: